Books To Trade: Paris Olympia Press

As I seem to have difficulty in finding enough time to list everything individually, even though I am committed to doing so, I am posting images of the volume of books that I have to trade or sell. As stated elsewhere a small number of titles are listed on AbeBooks.Com, under EGOBOOKS. Of the rest a small number are listed here, without price, primarily because I want to generate contact with collectors and would prefer to trade titles than sell them. My prices on AbeBooks are not fixed and are primarily there to provide a shopfront for me.

Paris Travellers Companion Series Duplicates for Trade

Paris Travellers Companion Series Duplicates

The image above shows all of my TC duplicates, as you can see there are rather a lot of them, if there are any titles that you are looking for leave a message on this blog and I will get back to you to with both trade or buying options.

Other Paris Olympia for Trade

Other Paris Olympia for Trade

As you can see above I have far fewer titles to trade in other series, but there are some very rare Atlantic Library editions in this shot, as well as a few listed on this site in detail.

Other Erotica Cabinet

Erotica Cabinet

As the caption indicates the image above is the non Olympia stuff, which includes all the Clandestine Losfelds, listed in detail on this site, and many many more which I will list individually as time goes on, anyone who cannot wait let me know what you are looking for and I will tell you whether or not I have it. And if you are super serious and have a rare Paris Olympia to trade, I can provide a list of titles and you can take your pick.

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